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First of all I clean with duster table, piano, some boxes, TV, lamp and many other things. At second I clean with vacuum cleaner carpet in my room, then I clean carpet in mother's and father's room. Sometimes I cook myself, but my cookies up aren't so nice as mother's. Try to make people happy and you will be happy yourself The entire community of 21st century people is sick and tired of work and studies, stress and pressure. We are all suffering from hurry sickness and badly need some time for full relaxation. I suppose it`s just to have a perfect day when no one will disturb you . I am dreaming about having a perfect day somewhere in a beach house. I like to stay in bed for a while and think about something nice. My morning would be full of beautiful sunshine and clear blue skies. I like to have something special for breakfast on such days.For example I would eat pancakes with strawberries. I would wake up to the sound of birds and the sound of water crashing against the rocks. I would want to sit outside where the birds are singing and where the flowers are blossoming and with clear blue skies where you could only see the sun shining and the birds flying.
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